Map of Sycamore Canyon showing location of Parson Springs Trail
Map of Sycamore Canyon showing location of Parson Springs Trail

Meet at the church by the shed Saturday morning @ 6:30am and return Sunday between 1pm and 2pm  (Wear Full Field Uniform (Class A) for traveling)

Requirements due at the Monday, March 16th Meeting:

1) Troop 818 Permission Slip

2) Payment of $15.00 Gas Fee

This is a beginning Backpacking outing, patrols are coordinating:  Tent Buddies (bring light backpacking tents 2 or 3 man), sleeping bag, ground cover, mess kit, water container, pack packing cooking equipment (1 per patrol) and appropriate hiking clothing.  The Scouts have been training and discussing this at our weekly meetings.

Meal planning – eat breakfast prior to departure, each Scout should have a trail lunch and snacks for Saturday.  Patrols will coordinate (using their grubmaster) Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.  We will have water purification and water filters for the Scouts to utilize and the spring is running.

Scouts can get additional information from their Patrol Leaders (who should have the information but can get from the Senior Patrol Leader if necessary).

More experienced Backpacking Scouts and the Scouts training for the Washington State High Adventure 2015 Outing will be hiking to a more advanced location, contact Matthew Burleson for specific details.