For many reasons, Troop 818, has decided to move the Mountain Man Outing from November 2016 to January 2017.  This will allow Troop 818 to attend and participate in our Boy Scout District (4 Peaks)’s annual Camporee at Camp R-C (outside of Payson, AZ).

The District Camporee in many ways is similar to our Mountain Man, but it involves Boy Scout Troops from our entire District and promotes friendly competition and activities on a larger scale. 

The Camporee includes the following activities for Patrols to compete against Patrols from other Troops:


Shooting Gallery

Fire building


First Aid

Lashings relay race

Buck Saw competition

Dutch Oven (Iron Chef) competition

Flag retirement ceremony

“Special Ops” Patrol Competition (for Scouts 14 and up)

Additionally, for older Scouts that want Community Service Hours, and Adults that want to be involved, you can volunteer to help out at the activities.  Let me know if you are interested in volunteering.

 If you can attend this event, please reserve your spot by registering at  as we need to provide Scout names to the District by this Friday.

 The cost is $25.00 per Scout.  All Scouts and Adults are required to bring the completed Medical form for all youth  and adults.  If we do not have this on file with our Troop, please plan accordingly.

 Again, all Scouts and Adults please sign up by Friday morning at

 This is an easy outing for Adults as the activities are being handled by the District, so if you are not a typical camper or new to Scouting, this is a great outing to get involved.