UPDATE 6-20-16: Due to the existing Heat Advisories in the area, this outing is being postponed (cancelled for July 23-24th) We will let you know when it is being rescheduled (after Summer Camp, July 9th to 16th hopefully).
June’s Outing will be Thursday, June 23rd returning Friday, June 24th at Lake Bartlett, just east of Cave Creek. The Scouts will be enjoying the lake and Mr. Starkweather will have his boat to provide the Scouts an opportunity to water ski and other water sports.
The plan is to depart, St. Bernadette’s at 8am on Thursday morning and return around 2pm on Friday to avoid the weekend crowds at the lake.
We will need multiple adults to provide safe Scouting criteria, if you (adults) are available for this 1 night outing, please sign up at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A0B4FA4AF238-troop7
Scouts please let your Patrol Leaders know that you will be attending.
Scouts will need to be prepared to camp one night along the Lake and meal plan for:
Thursday Lunch (each Scout on their own)
Thursday Dinner (as a Patrol)
Friday Breakfast (as a Patrol)
If you want to further research the campsite, we are planning to camp at SB Cove at Bartlett Lake.