Backpacking – Arizona Trail (October 19-20)

Saturday October 19th, meet at the shed at  St. Bernadette’s at 7:00am (plan on leaving by 7:20) We will be backpacking the Arizona Trail, this part is passage 27 and is also part of the Highline Trail. The Arizona Trail Starts at the Mexican Border in Southern Arizona and goes all the way to Utah. […]

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Fossil Springs Backpacking Trip March 24th & March 25th

This is one of those Arizona gems that really makes a Scouting weekend fantastic. There are 2,700 cf of water per minute rushing out of the ground at Fossil Spring. It produces so much water that there was a discussion of constructing a hydroelectric dam to power the copper mines of Jerome. The trail is 8.4 miles round […]

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Rappelling and Short Backpack Overnight

Date: Dec 16-17 Depart: Sat Dec 16 at 7AM sharp, arrive by 6:45AM at St.  Bernadette’s. Return: Sun Dec 17 by 10AM at St. Bernadette’s. Description: The December outing will be rappelling at the Heard Scout Pueblo. A trained Level II instructor will lead this event and provide all the climbing gear required. Your first […]

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Parson Springs May 20th, 2017

Meet at the church by the shed Saturday morning @ 6:30am and return Sunday between 1pm and 2pm (Wear Full Field Uniform (Class A) for traveling) Requirements due at the Monday, May 15th Meeting: 1) Troop 818 Permission Slip 2) Payment of $15.00 Gas Fee This is a beginning Backpacking outing, patrols are coordinating:  Tent Buddies […]

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Troop 818 – Parson Springs Outing (March 21st to 22nd, 2015)

  Meet at the church by the shed Saturday morning @ 6:30am and return Sunday between 1pm and 2pm  (Wear Full Field Uniform (Class A) for traveling) Requirements due at the Monday, March 16th Meeting: 1) Troop 818 Permission Slip 2) Payment of $15.00 Gas Fee This is a beginning Backpacking outing, patrols are coordinating:  Tent […]

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