Survival Outing

Location:  Seven Springs – just outside the group site

Camping type:  Dispersed, no potable water, restrooms are a distance

Outing Plan:  Meet at the church on Saturday March 23rd at 7:00 in the morning and the scouts will be back at the church around noon on Sunday March 24th.

Patrols will need to provide their own meals for Saturday breakfast and a trail lunch on Saturday.  Dinner Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning will be provided by the adults.

Scenario:  Scouts will be hiking as a patrol for the day and find that they have become lost.  They will have their day pack with them (a sleeping bag is optional – recommended).  In the day pack they will have their 10 essentials (see your scoutbook)  and will need to shelter in place for the night.  Scouts will use survival skills such as building a fire, making a shelter, and purifying water.  Adults/older scouts will be within sight of scouts and will intervene with different scenarios.

Cost:  $25 for gas and Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.

Points will be given and one patrol will be crowned the survival outing champions!