Plan by Chris Smith (602-647-6475 mobile or [email protected]) WEBELOS AND INVITED GUEST – See below for specific information; Adult Leaders – Please sign up to assist with the Mountain Man Activities and to be included in the Adult Meal Planning.

Fee: $10 per Scout for driver gas reimbursement and supply costs



Friday, January 18th, 2019

6:00pm                 Meet at St. Bernadette’s Parking Lot for Departure

6:10pm                 Outing Adult Leader Briefing

6:20pm                 Outing Driver Briefing

6:30pm                 Departure from St. Bernadette

7:45pm                 Arrive at Campsite, Camp Set-Up

9:00pm                 Informal Campfire / Snacks

10:30pm               “TAPS” – Lights Out


Saturday, January 19th, 2019

6:45am                 “REVEILLE” – Wake Up

7:00am                 Flag Ceremony, Scout Oath/Law, Morning Prayer, Announcements

7:15am                 Patrol Breakfast & Clean Up

8:00am                 Free Time for Scouts / Leader Set up of Stations

9:00am                 Webelos Arrive (Guests)

9:30am                 Announcement of Mountain Events and Competition Groups

9:45am                 Mountain Man Events:

#1 – First Aid

#2 – TBD

#3 – TBD

#4 –  Metal Working – Craft

#5 – TBD

#6 – TBD

#7 – TBD

#8 – TBD



3:00- 3:30pm      End of Events

4:00pm                 Patrol Meetings – Dinner Preparation (Dutch Ovens)

4:30pm                 Iron Chef Competition (Dessert)

5:00pm                 Dinner

5:30pm                 Iron Chef Judging

6:00pm                 Campfire Preparation – Camp Clean up

6:15pm                 Flag Ceremony – take down Flags

8:30pm                 US Flag Retirement [Andrew Paddison]

10:30pm               “TAPS” – Lights Out


Sunday, January 20th, 2019

6:30am                 “REVEILLE” – Wake Up

6:45am                 Flag Ceremony, Scout Oath/Law, Morning Prayer, Announcements

7:00am                 Patrol Breakfast

8:00am                 Scouts Own (in Full Field Uniforms)

8:30am                 Break Down Camp & Pack up (if not already done)

9:45am                 Flag Ceremony, Take Down Flags

10:00am               Brief Driver Meeting and depart to Phoenix

11:00 am              Arrive at St. Bernadette Catholic Church for Parent Pickup



  • Meal Plan
    • Fri Dinner (Sack – each on own)
    • Fri Campfire – Cracker Barrel
    • Sat Breakfast (by Patrol)
    • Sat Lunch (Sack Lunch – each on own)
    • Sat Dinner (by Patrol)
    • Sun Breakfast (by Patrol)


  • Weather – be prepared for occasion rain clouds
  • Bring Firewood
  • Bring Water – no water on site




We are very happy to have you as our guests at this outing and be included in our Saturday activities.  We would like to arrive at the campsite (see directions below, but basically 7 miles north of Cave Creek).


When you arrive, the Webelos will join with our Scouting Groups and participate in the Mountain Man activities.   Webelos should be in their Scout Uniform, weather appropriate clothing, a water canister and snacks for the day.  Hamburgers will be provided for the Webelos and their Adult Leaders for lunch.


Webelos should plan to arrive by 9am and will be engaged in the activities until 3:30 to 4:00pm.  You are welcome to depart at that time or you are welcome to camp with us for the night and participate in the Troop events for the evening.  There are special rules for the Webelos, if they want to camp Saturday night.  Please contact our Scoutmaster Tim Whitney for specific details, if you want to camp Saturday night.



Directions:  Seven Springs Group Campsite: This site is 20 miles north of Cave Creek. From Cave Creek, take Cave Creek Road/Forest Road (FR) 24. The last 9 miles of FR 24 is an all-weather gravel road. The gravel portion of the road is narrow with blind curves. Click Here For MapParked Vehicles do require a Tonto Pass