Hello Emerald Bay Scouts

We are looking forward to an exciting week at summer camp.  Here is a quick plan of the outing with a lot of information – please read it all to make sure we do not miss a beat.

June 6th at 6PM in the Gym – we are having a summer camp meeting to collect all permission slips and forms needed and how we will communicate during the camping trip.  The boys will discuss expectations during the trip as well.  This is before our Court of Honor.

June 13th at 7PM – we will do a bag check for summer camp.  Each boy will need to pack their belongings in 1 bag and one carry-on for the trip – the boys will need to carry this into camp so it is important they can carry it in one trip.  We will go over packing tips on the 6th.  Here is a link to a packing list from Emerald Bay (please review the parts relating to the participants):  https://www.campemeraldbay.org/what-to-bring/

June 18th at 9:30 PM we will gather at the church, load up the bus and leave for San Pedro (Berth 87) where we will board the Ferry to the island at 6:00 AM on the 19th. 

June 25th – We will travel back and be at the church sometime in the afternoon.  We will contact everyone as we are heading back with updates and time for pick up.

Please fill out the following forms and bring them with to the 6/6 or 6/13 meeting – I would like all of these forms prior to 6/14 so I can review and organize:

Rifle and shot gun permission form:   https://www.campemeraldbay.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/CALIFORNIA-RIFLE-AND-SHOTGUN-PERMISSION-FORM_fillable-v3.pdf

Youth Release and Indemnification Agreement:  https://www.campemeraldbay.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Parental-Firearms-Permission-and-Release-and-Consent-to-Full-Program_Fillable-v3.pdf

Troop Permission Slip: https://secureservercdn.net/

Please have this form with you on 6/18:

Form to be brough with Saturday June 18th before getting on the bus:  https://bsa-la.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/WLACC-CAMP-Unit-Pre-Screening.2022_Final_fillable.pdf

Summer Camp is an exciting time!  Please help get all of this work done to be sure everyone will have a great time.

Blake Kite