The Dangers of Vaping 5/6/19

Hi Troop and Families- We’d like you and your scout(s) to join us for an informative meeting about Vaping. Thanks to notMYkid we are having a trained speaker come talk about this topic, and educate us on the dangers of vaping in teens. This is for ALL our scouts, and we ask parents stay for […]

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Mine 79 Outing 4/26-28

 Meet up at 4:00 PM and depart at 4:30.  The trip will take two hours.  Sunset is at 7:00. If we get out on time it will leave you 30 min to set up camp before it gets dark, and you can have a nice sunset dinner. Bring a sack lunch/dinner with you to eat […]

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Fossil Springs Backpacker: March 30-31

There will be a group of experienced adult leaders that will be camping near the falls. Of those who are camping near the falls, we will be able to swim in the clear cool spring-fed pools. Those scouts that wish to swim must be current with their swim check (within one year) and we will […]

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Ski and Boarding Trip Outing: Sunrise Ski Resort, March 8-10

2019 Skiing & Boarding Outing Plan Friday, March 8 4:00 pm: Depart from St Bernadette’s Church. Drive to Payson (78 miles); arrive around 6:00 pm Eat dinner – Scouts should bring a bag dinner or cash Push on to Greer Peaks Resort at One Main Street, Greer (150 miles) Lights Out Saturday, March 9 SKI […]

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Mountain Man: Seven Springs Group Campsite, January 18-20

MOUNTAIN MAN OUTING @ SEVEN SPRINGS GROUP CAMPSITE, JANUARY 18th -20th, 2019 Plan by Chris Smith (602-647-6475 mobile or [email protected]) WEBELOS AND INVITED GUEST – See below for specific information; Adult Leaders – Please sign up to assist with the Mountain Man Activities and to be included in the Adult Meal Planning. Fee: $10 per Scout for driver gas reimbursement and […]

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