Troop 818: Crossover Scout Training Outing
May 21-23, 2021
Troop 818 would like to welcome all of the 2020 and 2021 Scouts!
In order to help make the transition from your Cub Scout Pack, to your new Boy led troop as smooth as
possible we are planning an outing just for you. Your Troop Guide’s Max Ruben and Cooper Carlson will
be your patrol leaders and help you prepare for the outing. Senior Patrol Leader Connor Carlson will be
there to help too. They will instruct you on what to pack, how to meal plan, and introduce you to the
Patrol method and patrol box.
We are leaving St. Bernadette’s church on Friday May 21st at 5:00 PM. Please be at the church at 4:30.
The cost will be $20 for gas and camping fees.
We will be camping at Woods Canyon Lake Group site #1.
On Saturday we will have a fun filled day of activities and learning the Boy Scout way.
We will plan on cooking our meals and enjoy a Saturday evening campfire as long as fires are allowed.
Get some sleep and then have breakfast as a patrol in the morning. We should be back to the church
between 12 noon and 1 pm on Sunday.
Please contact me with questions.
Cal Carlson
Troop 818 Assistant Scoutmaster – New Scout Patrols