- Meet up at 4:00 PM and depart at 4:30. The trip will take two hours. Sunset is at 7:00. If we get out on time it will leave you 30 min to set up camp before it gets dark, and you can have a nice sunset dinner.
- Bring a sack lunch/dinner with you to eat at the 79 Mine.
- There is no water so make sure you bring plenty with you.
- There are no bathroom facilities so make sure you pack and plan accordingly.
- Saturday we plan on have at least one merit badge possibly two.
- There will be ample opportunity for hiking and exercise.
- Saturday evening we will have dinner, then watch Rio Lobo with John Wayne (rated G) under the stars.
- Afterward I will have several telescopes and you can explore the Milky Way Galaxy.
- Make sure your tents zipper up and don’t leave them open for any length of time. Curious critters will take advantage of your hospitality, and you might not like your new bunk mates.
- Close toed shoes are a must. No flip flops or bare feet allowed.
- Sunday. Breakfast, police line and head home.
- Map
- Directions:
Basically take 60 to Superior AZ.Turn right on 177 towards Kearny/Dudleyville.Once you pass Kearny watch the mileage markers.At mile marker 140 stop and turn left. Stop at the barn wire gate.Open gate.Drive through stop.Close gate.Drive on main dirt road until you reach the second locked gate. Unlock gate.Open /close gateContinue on road to mine.